David Reed
- Mathematics, Computer Science & Physics
Contact Information
- 614-236-6133
- dreed@c178.net
- Battelle Hall
Dr. David Reed is the creator of the Attendance iOS app and co-author of Data Structures and Algorithms Using Python and C++. Dr. Reed was the co-principal investigator on two National Science Foundation grants — one that created scholarships for computer science, engineering and mathematics scholarships, and another that supported course curriculum and laboratory improvement to develop courses for a computational science minor. He also was co-principal investigator for a grant from the Keck Undergraduate Computational Science Education Consortium.Teaches
- Introduction to Computer Science
- Algorithms and Data Structures I
- Principles of Software Design
- Algorithms and Data Structures II
- Introduction to Parallel Computing
- Computer Graphics
- iOS Development
Ph.D. in computer science, The Ohio State University
Master of Science in computer science, The Ohio State University
Bachelor of Arts in math and computer science, Wittenberg University